DISCOVER CONFIDENCEWelcome to Patel Plastic Surgery. Providing the best cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery results in Salt Lake City & St. George and catering to National & International patients
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we have two new plastic surgery textbooks
being published in early 2025!
Our next textbook just published!
Hard back copies available from 1.23.25 at all good bookstores!!
Click to see the amazing transformation with our Deep Plane Facelift
Welcome To Patel Plastic Surgery
Veiw our ever-expanding collection of educational, technique and teaching videos
Frequentlty asked questions
Can you do a beautiful deep plane facelift in a Man? This is a Deep Plane Facelift in a Man This is the Hammock Lift in a Man This is a Deep Plane Facelift in a Man This is the Hammock Lift in a Man
I don't like my jowls and my neck!!
The Power of Beautifully done Neck Liposuction
Can you remove moles on the face and body without significant scarring? See the links:
Can you improve my Acne and Acne scarring? See the links:
Can you improve white scars on my body? See the link:
Can you remove lipomas from the body? See the links:
Baggy lower eyelids in men. How do they turn out with surgery? See the links:
Results of the amazing Hammock Lift. See the links (Many more links on : How to change a beautiful lady into a model!! : Anatomy of the Hammock Lift: what EXACTLY is the Hammock Lift and what sort of results do we aim to get? See the description in this post : How to change a beautiful lady into a model!! : Anatomy of the Hammock Lift: what EXACTLY is the Hammock Lift and what sort of results do we aim to get? See the description in this post
Results of the amazing Patel FaceLift. See the links:
Selfies from our patient after a deep plane facelift: what a beautiful lady!! : Deep Plane Facelift in an East Indian Lady. Bollywood transformation of a Bollywood Princess : The resurrection of Adonis. Giving back a man his youthful face
As a man, I want to still look like a man and natural after a deep plane facelift. Can you do it??
Postcards from Montana: what will I look like one week after my deep plane facelift and my many wrinkles?
Can you get rid of my jowls and make my neck look like that of a Cheetah? Yes!
I have too many wrinkles and severe jowls and a very loose neck. I look like my mother!
I have always wanted a facelift and neck lift but do you think I am too far gone?
How will my healing be over a month if I have a facelift and neck lift since I am out of State?
I have lost a lot of weight and I hate my jowls and my neck. What can you do?
I used to look so elegant. I just hate looking in a mirror now. I want to go to Europe but can you help me first?
Facelift postcards from England. "I feel much younger than I look": look what we did!
and many, many more.... including
Deep Plane Facelift
Hammock Lift
Quick Connect SLC:
Quick Connect St. George: St. George
we are regularly updating this website with useful and up-to-date information for our patients, residents, fellows and other plastic surgeons who train with us. Please review again at your convenience
Links to our latest articles below
Which parts of the face can be safely injected with Botox?
How to perform a Temporary Tarsorrhaphy: for Plastic Surgeons, Residents & Fellows
Shingles: Vaccination and Treatment Guidelines for Herpes zoster
Video: How to perform a temporary tarsorrhaphy
What is Chemosis? What are the causes of Chemosis? How do you treat chemosis?
How to take photographs of your face and what photographs to send us when seeking an appointment for a facelift and neck lift or Hammock lift
Chalazions and chalazia: what are they, what are the many presentations, and how do you treat them?
Video: Superficial Temporal Artery Biopsy: marking the safe zone
Video: showing how to perform a temporal artery biopsy
Red Light Devices, Blue Light Devices and Infrared Devices: do they work?
Important information about Suncreens and How to Choose the Best Sunscreen
CO2 Laser: How to Look after the Skin Following Face CO2 Laser. Instructions by Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS
What are Dennie-Morgan lines and how do you treat them?
When should I start getting botox and can it be used for preventive purposes?
How to perform a Temporary Tarsorrhaphy: for Plastic Surgeons, Residents & Fellows
Shingles: Vaccination and Treatment Guidelines for Herpes zoster
Video: How to perform a temporary tarsorrhaphy
What is Chemosis? What are the causes of Chemosis? How do you treat chemosis?
How to take photographs of your face and what photographs to send us when seeking an appointment for a facelift and neck lift or Hammock lift
Chalazions and chalazia: what are they, what are the many presentations, and how do you treat them?
Video: Superficial Temporal Artery Biopsy: marking the safe zone
Video: showing how to perform a temporal artery biopsy
Red Light Devices, Blue Light Devices and Infrared Devices: do they work?
Important information about Suncreens and How to Choose the Best Sunscreen
CO2 Laser: How to Look after the Skin Following Face CO2 Laser. Instructions by Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS
What are Dennie-Morgan lines and how do you treat them?
When should I start getting botox and can it be used for preventive purposes?
LINK to our Published Medical Textbooks
@drbckpatel Instagram Cases and Teaching
For Her
Whether you have reconstructive needs or cosmetic needs, or, indeed, both, we are able to assess, plan and execute to give you the best results….using our named techniques of London Facelift, London Blepharoplasty, London Browlift and Hammock Lifts…….
For HimMale grooming, growing awareness about skin cancer and changing social trends in general have resulted in more men pursuing options for healthier skin.
Most popular pages!There are some aspects of the face that concern us universally. Based upon the reviews, here are the commonest procedures looked up by our patients

We have made a concerted effort to educate you about reconstructive as well as cosmetic conditions and procedures: please review the information under your topic of interest on this detailed website. Whereas we have been as comprehensive as possible, there is always more information that can be conveyed. As Dr. Patel teaches residents, fellows, nurses, aestheticians and also trains Plastic Surgeons, there is information here for them as well,
which many patients find very useful.
Please let us know if you would like further information on any particular condition or treatment. Come and see us for an assessment and a discussion of what is safely possible. Our aim is simple: to give you the best results with our seal of “invisible surgery”. Or as close to "invisible as is humanly possible!" We take great pride in planning and performing procedures to yield natural-looking results.
We also see many patients for second, third and fourth opinions and also repair many undesired effects patients may have experienced from cosmetic or reconstructive surgery performed elsewhere. If you are concerned that you have results that are not to your liking, please bring your photographs prior to your surgery and any clinical notes and operation notes you can to allow us to give you the best assessment.
which many patients find very useful.
Please let us know if you would like further information on any particular condition or treatment. Come and see us for an assessment and a discussion of what is safely possible. Our aim is simple: to give you the best results with our seal of “invisible surgery”. Or as close to "invisible as is humanly possible!" We take great pride in planning and performing procedures to yield natural-looking results.
We also see many patients for second, third and fourth opinions and also repair many undesired effects patients may have experienced from cosmetic or reconstructive surgery performed elsewhere. If you are concerned that you have results that are not to your liking, please bring your photographs prior to your surgery and any clinical notes and operation notes you can to allow us to give you the best assessment.
We are Here For You
Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS 1025E 3300S Salt Lake City, Utah 84106, USA (801) 413-3599 (phone/text) (801) 761-4651 (fax) E: [email protected] Dr. BCK Patel MD, FRCS 585 E Riverside Dr Suite 201 Saint George, UT 84790 (435) 215-0014 (phone) (435) 215-0729 (fax) E: Quick-Link |